TIESPLANET.COM - The leading UK internet ties retailer presents all its news, stories and information in this riveting blog.
Thursday, 23 June 2011
Send in the Clowns...
There has been a lively debate in the House of Commons today on whether wild animals should be used in circuses. However, there are no prizes for guessing what our favourite part of the circus is when you see this splendid Clowns Novelty Tie.
P.S. - What did the grape say when the elephant sat on it?
Ties Planet Limited, formed in 2006, aims to maintain the position of the UK’s leading specialist online tie retailer. The website uses an easy-to-use e-store format allowing shoppers to purchase high quality ties in a cost and time-effective way.
The company aims to make purchasing a tie a straightforward, enjoyable experience, demonstrating this both through the easily navigated website and its impeccable customer service.
Ties Planet believes in only offering the finest ties, whilst keeping prices at an extremely competitive level.
Operations are based in Leeds, with distributions taking place daily.
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