Tuesday, 10 May 2011

The Apprentice is Back! - Free Silk Tie Offer

Tonight sees the return of the ever popular reality TV show The Apprentice. As usual smart business dress will be order of the day and the contestants always aim to look their best to help avoid the immortal words "You're Fired!" from Sir Alan Sugar.

In the first episode teams are expected to maximise the return on £250 spent on fresh fruit and vegetables. No doubt Sir Alan will be going bananas at someone by the end of the show! Without wishing to inflict too many more greengrocer themed puns on you, there is a different prize on offer this year. The plum job with £100k salary is gone and the carrot this time is a £250k investment for the winner to start their own company.

To ensure that you always look ready for the boardroom, we are offering a free silk tie with any order of £20 or more. Simply use the discount code 'APPRENTICE' when you place your order and your free tie will be sent automatically. Offer ends at midnight on Sunday 15th May 2011.

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