Monday, 13 October 2008

Fashion Tips from Ken Dodd!

Yes, veteran comedian Ken Dodd has recently aired his views on ties, claiming, “I’ve got hundreds of ties and even wear one going to bed. They’re the last stranglehold of men’s fashion sense."

Dodd just can't understand politicians over 40 years of age not wearing ties either. “It’s like they are trying to be 21 again.” A sentiment we share very much.

And Ken's final fashion tip... “Ties and training shoes don’t go either – you have to walk around with your shirt hanging out.” This we're not in total agreement with as we have seen many a cool dude sporting trainers and skinny tie, but it just great to see someone who cares about ties! Nice one Ken!

Know someone who is clinging onto their youth by not wearing a tie to work? Let him know it is time to see the light by buying him a tie for Christmas from!

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