Just what you have all been eagerly awaiting... a quote about neckties.
"A well tied tie is the first serious step in life" - Oscar Wilde
More quotes to follow, as and when we find them! If you find any, then send them our way at info@tiesplanet.com
Silk and polyester ties available from: http://www.tiesplanet.com/
TIESPLANET.COM - The leading UK internet ties retailer presents all its news, stories and information in this riveting blog.
Friday, 27 July 2007
Monday, 23 July 2007
Your chance to win executive tickets for Bradford Bulls vs Leeds Rhinos with Tiesplanet.com

Tiesplanet.com are the proud matchball sponsors for the Engage Super League match between Bradford Bulls and Leeds Rhinos at Odsal, Bradford on 2nd September 2007. We are offering you the chance to join us in the Legends Suite for a four-course meal and to watch the game in executive style from the Legend Suite balcony.
For your chance to win, just enter the promotional code 'SUPERLEAGUE' during checkout with any order up to and including 26th August 2007.
For your chance to win, just enter the promotional code 'SUPERLEAGUE' during checkout with any order up to and including 26th August 2007.